Antologija hrvatskoga haiku pjesništva 2008-2018.
An Anthology of Croatian Haiku Poetry 2008-2018

Nakladnik: Udruga „Tri rijeke“, Haiku pjesnici Otoka Ivanića, Ivanić-Grad
Publisher: Haiku Association “Three Rivers”, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Za nakladnika/In the name of publisher: Stjepan Rožić
Glavna i odgovorna urednica/Edited by: Đurđa Vukelić Rožić
Prijevodi: autori, Đurđa Vukelić Rožić i ostali prevoditelji
Translated by the authors, Đurđa Vukelić Rožić and other translators
Editorial advisors/Urednički savjet: Boris Nazansky, Marinko Kovačević, Stjepan Rožić, Mihovila
Čeperić-Biljan, Antun Mikleš, Nina Kovačić, Zlata Bogović, Mihael Štebih, Miroslav Vurdelja,
Tomislav Maretić
Hrvatska lektura/Croatian sub-editing: Boris Nazansky
Engleska lektura/English sub-editing: Elizabeth Harrison-Paj
Ilustracije/Illustrations: Mihael Štebih
Naslovnica/Cover: Vanja Štebih
Grafička priprema/Graphic preparation: Antun Mikleš
Tisak: „Grafomark” d.o.o., Zagreb
ISBN 978-953-56564-4-9
CIP zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod
brojem 001007951.
Copyright © 2018.
Udruga „Tri rijeke“ HPOI/Haiku Association “Three Rivers”, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Sva prava pridržana. Nije dopušteno niti jedan dio ove knjige reproducirati ili distribuirati u bilo kojem
obliku ili pohraniti u bazi podataka bez prethodnog pismenog odobrenja autora.











IRIS International
Internetski časopis za haiku poeziju i srodne izričaje
Udruge „Tri rijeke“ HPOI, Ivanić-Grad
Web magazine for haiku and related genres of the
Haiku Association “Three Rivers“, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Izlazi jednom godišnje / Published once a year Godište 9, svezak 9, 2023. /
Year 9th, No. 9, 2023
Izdavač: Udruga „Tri rijeke“ HPOI, Ivanić-Grad
Published by the Haiku Association „Three Rivers“, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Urednički savjet / Editorial advisors: Stjepan Rožić, Antun Mikleš,
Jasminka Predojević
Uredništvo / Editorial Board: Miroslav Vurdelja, Nina Kovačić, Dejan Pavlinović, Mihovila Čeperić-Biljan, Sanela Pliško
Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor-in-chief: Đurđa Vukelić Rožić
Lektura hrvatskoga teksta: Uredništvo
Croatian sub-editing: Editorial Board
Lektura prijevoda na engleski jezik / English sub-editing: Elizabeth Harrison-Paj
Fotografija na naslovnici / Photo on the cover: Sanja Srbljinović-Čuček
Adresa uredništva / Editorial address: Kolodvorska 44, 10310 Ivanić-Grad
Tel./Phone: +385 (1) 2882 716, E-mail:
Grafička priprema / Prepress: Antun Mikleš
ISSN 1849-8639

Our goal is to present haiku and the Japanese culture to the Croatian readers and introduce Croatian haiku to the world. If not submitted in English, only haiku will be translated by the editorial team while other texts optionally. IRIS does not pay any fee for any form of cooperation. Submissions will not be returned to the authors. IRIS and IRIS International are sponsored by the City of Ivanić-Grad and the Zagreb County. Views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the articles, columns and commentaries herein are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board and/or the Publisher. Copyright Iris International Haiku Magazine, 2019. All rights revert to the authors upon publication.







Judged by Krzysztof Kokot

 First place: Grey Coyote, Canada

edo period
break on the tokaido
water from a gourd


Second place: Bette Hopper, Texas USA

gourds –
so much life
after death


Third place: Zoran Doderović, Novi Sad, Serbia

pumpkin seeds
drying on the porch
old newspaper news



Ron C. Moss, Tasmania, Australia

distant gunfire –
unpicked gourds hang
on withered vines


Dennys Cambarau, Sardinia, Italy

hollow gourd – 
all the oppressive weight
of the butterfly


SRINI, India

winter dusk
a child offers her sweater
to the pumpkin scarecrow


Tony Williams, Scotland, UK

it started
with a kiss


Vilma Knežević, Croatia

ripened squash
leaning on a cherry tree
fall arrived


Marie Derley, Belgium

three months of marriage
in the garden the gourd seeds
will soon germinate


Julie Schwerin, Wisconsin, USA

the grief
she tries to bury
pumpkin seeds         


Stoianka Boianova, Bulgaria

birthday party
the melon cake
runs out the fastest


Mircea Moldovan, România

plain village
when smell of melons
when smell by dung


Debbie Strange, Canada

first school day
the coiling tendrils
of loofah


Congratulations to all authors and thank you for taking a part in our competition.
Our gratitude to Mr. Krzysztof Kokot for his judging the contest.
The Haiku Association „Three Rivers“, town of Ivanić-Grad, the Zagreb County, Croatia…

A Little Haiku Contest by the Croatian Haiku Magazine IRIS

“Oil Haiku and Senryu Contest in English”

THEME: Crude Oil, 2023

Judged by David McMurray

David McMurray’s Judging Comments for the “Oil Haiku and Senryu Contest in English”

Over 100 participants from 22 countries participated in the “Oil Haiku and Senryu Contest in English” for the Haiku Association Three Rivers and the Little Iris Haiku Contest. Contacting me from Ivanić-Grad, Djurdja Vukelic Rozic suggested the intriguing theme of “crude oil.” I was generously allowed to select three winning haiku, three winning senryu, and have a free hand in making ten honorary mentions from a numbered list of submitted haiku and senryu – neither identified by names nor addresses.

Many haiku associations, including the Haiku Foundation kindly encouraged their members to enter this contest and enjoy the “oil” prompt, noting it would be fun, interesting and lead haikuists to write about a topic they may not have tackled before. Julie Bloss Kelsey mentioned, the “A Little Iris Haiku Contest held recently with the theme of ‘crude oil.’ was not a topic about which I ever envisioned writing haiku!”

Crude oil affects our everyday lives–many of us use the energy source to keep warm and to generate electricity to power the lighting we use to read haiku books long into the night. Even master poet Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) relied on oil to write hokku, here’s one about his reading lamp (Japanese Haiku, Peter Pauper Press, 1956).


No oil to read by…
I am off to bed but ah!…
My moonlit pillow

In modern times, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded in 2011 to Tomas Transtromer, a member of the Swedish Haiku Society who wrote this haiku in his book, “The Sorrow Gondola.”

The orchid flowers.
Oil-tankers are gliding past.
The moon is full.

Most recently, the Asahi Shimbun in Tokyo also ran a regular column on December 2, 2022 of the Asahi Haikuist Network containing many haiku composed about oil, including this open-ended one by Kiyoshi Fukuzawa (


Camels marching…
alongside the pipeline
no one knows where to!

Selected Winners of the “Oil Haiku and Senryu Contest in English”


Haiku Grand Prix

pumpjack moon
the flow
of midnight

Edward Cody Huddleston, USA


Haiku Excellence

oil field–
a steel dinosaur pulls
itself from the earth

Julie Bloss Kelsey, Germantown, Maryland, USA


Haiku Choice

under the …


Organized by the Haiku Association “Three Rivers”, the Pumpkin Festival and the Tourist Board of
the town of Ivanić-Grad, Croatia

Open to all poets worldwide, all ages and nationalities.

 Deadline: May 31, 2023.

 The theme: The Cucurbits ̶ gourd, pumpkin, squash, cucumber, melon, calabash, zucchini, melon, loofa The Cucurbitaceae consist of 98 proposed genera with 975 species!

All rights remain with the poets. Printable certificates will be emailed to winners and authors with honorable mentioned works.

Please send six original and unpublished haiku/senryu in English to the coordinator D. V. Rozic


SUBJECT: Pumpkin Haiku/Senryu Contest.

The results will be published at during October 2023, and in IRIS International haiku magazine No 9/2022. All winning authors will be advised by e-mail.

Haiku Association “Three Rivers”, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia


                                                                                                                                                                                    The President:

                                                                                                                                                                                    Stjepan Rožić

Ivanić-Grad, Croatia, March 1, 2023.                                                        …


IRIS International
Internetski časopis za haiku poeziju i srodne izričaje
Udruge „Tri rijeke“ HPOI, Ivanić-Grad
Web magazine for haiku and related genres of the
Haiku Association “Three Rivers“, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Izlazi jednom godišnje / Published once a year, Godište 7, svezak 7, 2021. /
Year 7th, No. 7, 2021
Izdavač: Udruga „Tri rijeke“ HPOI, Ivanić-Grad
Published by the Haiku Association „Three Rivers“, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
Urednički savjet / Editorial advisors: Stjepan Rožić, Antun Mikleš, Jasminka
Uredništvo / Editorial Board: Miroslav Vurdelja, Nina Kovačić, Dejan Pavlinović,
Mihovila Čeperić-Biljan, Goran Gatalica, Sanela Pliško
Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor-in-chief: Đurđa Vukelić Rožić
Lektura hrvatskoga teksta / Croatian sub-editing: Ružica Marušić-Vasilić
Korektura i lektura / Correctons: Ivana Cerinski
Lektura prijevoda na engleski jezik / English sub-editing: Elizabeth Harrison-Paj
Fotografija na naslovnici / Photo on the cover: Sanja Srbljinović-Čuček
Adresa uredništva / Editorial address: Kolodvorska 44, 10310 Ivanić-Grad
Tel./Phone: +385 (1) 2882 716, E-mail:
Grafička priprema / Prepress: Antun Mikleš
ISSN 1849-8639


Cilj časopisa jest prezentirati haiku i japansku kulturu hrvatskom čitateljstvu, a hrvatske autore predstaviti u svijetu. Haiku se prevodi redakcijski, a ostali tekstovi po izboru. Časopis ne isplaćuje honorare za bilo kakav oblik suradnje. Rukopisi se ne vraćaju. Izlaženje Irisa potpomažu Grad Ivanić-Grad i Zagrebačka županija. Pogledi, mišljenja i stavovi izneseni ovdje u člancima, kolumnama i komentarima isključivo su autorovi i ne moraju nužno predstavljati stav Glavne i odgovorne urednice, Uredništva i/ili izdavača. Sva prava zadržavaju autori.






organized by the Haiku Association „Three Rivers“and the Pumpkin Festival
Ivanić-Grad, Croatia

The International Haiku Contest in English, the theme of the gourds, counted up to 512 haiku/senryu by 105 author from 25 countries: Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, UK, USA.

The contest was judged by an’ya


Ernesto P. Santiago, Philippines

pumpkin faces                               lica buča
the child's emotions           dječji osjećaji
started to shout                            počinju vrištati


Susan Burch, USA

getting the scoop                        ekskluzivna vijest
at the family reunion                 na obiteljskom druženju
juicy melon balls                         sočne kugle lubenice


Taylor Jo Kelly, United Kingdom

balafon                                  balafon
I watch the smile                 promatram kako osmijeh
flood her face                      preplavljuje njeno lice


Cristina-Valeria Apetrei, Romania
waning moon                                             mjesec u opadanju
our cantaloupe disappears                     naša dinja nestaje
slice by slice                                               krišku po krišku


Gordana Vlašić, Croatia
outstretched arms ̶                                       raširene ruke ̶
the scarecrow awaits                                   strašilo dočekuje
the pumpkin tendrils                                    vitice buče


Jessica Renee Dawson, Canada

ornamental gourds                                 ukrasne tikvice
the centerpiece that was grown            središnji ukras rastao je
in mother's garden                        u majčinom vrtu

Congratulations to all awarded authors and many thanks to an’ya for judging the contest!…


The Haiku Association Three Rivers
The Pumpkin Festival
The Tourist Board of Ivanić-Grad, Croatia

For all poets, all ages and nationalities

Deadline: May 31, 2022.

The theme: The Cucurbits ̶ gourd, pumpkin, squash, cucumber, melon, calabash, zuchini, melon, loofa … The Cucurbitaceae consist of 98 proposed genera with 975 species!

Adjucator: an’ya, USA

The contest is open to everyone worldwide and free of charge; all rights remain with the poets. Printable certificates will be emailed to winners and authors with honorable mentioned works.

Please send six original and unpublished haiku/senryu in English to the coordinator D. V. Rozic

e-mail: SUBJECT: Pumpkin Haiku/Senryu Contest.

The results will be published at during October 2020, and in IRIS International haiku magazine No 8/2022. All winning authors will be advised by e-mail.

Haiku Association Three Rivers, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia

                                                                                                The President             

                                                                                                Stjepan Rožić



             Ivanić-Grad, March 1, 2022.        …

Judging Report – A Little Iris Haiku Contest, Croatia 2021

By Debbie Strange

Theme: Book and Reading

My thanks to Djurdja Rozic for inviting me to adjudicate this contest, and to the entrants who entrusted me with their work. Congratulations to the winners! It was an honour to read the entries for this challenge, and even if your haiku was not chosen, it does not mean it was without merit. Judging choices are subjective, so please don’t be discouraged from submitting your poems elsewhere. You just might be the next winner!

I keep the following quote in mind when I submit my own work for consideration:

“What has praise and fame to do with poetry?” —Virginia Woolf

I think we writers have an ingrained love of reading that has likely been present since our childhoods. Who cannot remember the pleasure of learning to read their first book, the delight in practicing their first letters, or the joy in penning their first poem? Literacy gives us access to all the knowledge this world has to offer, and it is a privilege not to be squandered. We all understand that words have the power to hurt or to heal, and they must be wielded with care.

Themed contests present unique opportunities for writers to venture beyond straightforward interpretations of the subject matter. Thinking outside the box is vital in order to lift one’s haiku out of the ordinary realm, into the extraordinary. The competition is fierce when all of the contestants are on the same page, so to speak!


First Place: Taylor Jo Kelly, United Kingdom

dark forest
a young girl lost
in chapter two

I was drawn to this haiku from the first reading. A cinematic natural scene is set in the first line, or so we might think. The second line seems to reinforce the idea of a young girl’s misadventure. In the final line, we are treated to a charming surprise, and a feeling of joy. How wondrous that feeling of being “lost” in a book! I commend the multiple uses of ambiguity in this poem. Is the girl reading her book in an actual forest, or is it simply the chapter’s backdrop? Pivot lines in haiku are intriguing and rather rare, and the adept use of the zoom-in technique lifted this finely crafted poem into “something other” for me.


Second Place: Alan Peat, United Kingdom

drifting …